Sunday, July 15, 2007

Bullet points about the iPhone and the iPod

The User Interface of the iPhone is just amazing, no really, it definitely is one of a kind, I love it!!!

  • Main weaknesses for the consumers market:
1. Does not support nor Java, neither Flash (this means hard to navigate internet)
2. Network coverage (AT&T problem)

NOTE: price is not a weakness, once you get to play with the device you forgett about how much it costs

  • Main weaknesses for the business market:
1. Same as consumer, the Java and Flash issue
2. Security issue with corporate emails

BUT good news are all this issues deal with software and therefore are solvable

Finally two bullets about iPod:

  • Next year 70% of the cars will have some sort of iPod plug (consequence, in 5 years CD players in cars are over !!!!!)
  • iTunes is the 3rd largest music seller world wide (after Wallmart and Best Buy)

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