I'm back to San Francisco after an intense and interesting week in Florida, where I've learned a lot from great people. I'm working in the office, we are on a pier and I'm seating facing the sea, I watch through the glass and there she is, a seal. Isn't it great!!!

Hola Àlex !
Molts records des d'Andorra !
A veure si acaben de construir la nova plaça del poble i ens hi retrobem com abans ;)
Fins aviat i cuida't força!
Franc!!! tio quina gracia trobar-te aqui. Estic a Andorra per Nadal, suposo que anire a fer el cafe al Bar del Chechu algun dia al mati. Haviam si ens veiem, envia'm algun email amb el teu telefon i et truco. aacastellarnau@hotmail.com
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