Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Freak blogosphere

You know who is the most influential person nowadays in Hollywood?? A big media mogul from Universal??, on of these universal movie stars from the A-list??, an ambitious TV producer from HBO??

None of these guys, the most influential person is a latino gay guy named PEREZ HILTON (Yes Perez Hilton is his public name and he is very friend with Paris Hilton, whom he veneers).

What are the attributes that have turn Perez Hilton into the Hollywood King?

His network, packed with what Malcom Gladwell defines as CONNECTORS. Him and his network are in every Hollywood event
The internet. He started a blog that nowadays is view by more than 5 million people. Any news happening in Los Angeles related to famous people stuff are automatically displayed in his blog

Three years ago Perez was looking for a job, today he has his own limousine

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